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this will be cybots life line

Cybot is a continually evolving robot. As Cybot develops, new and more complex functions will be added. Phase 1 of Cybot?s development follows this schedule:

Issue 4: Cybot moves for the first time
Issue 9: Cybot seeks out and avoids light
Issue 14: Cybot follows a line
Issue 16: Cybot follows and avoids using sonar
Issue 17: cybot's body is finished

The next phase will allow you to program Cybot, control it remotely and give it voice recognition capabilities.

There are 36 issues in total.

Jack of a car; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Tools and Materials needed

all you will need is a screwdriver you hands and the will to make cybot

in the near future

you will ba ble to buy different covers for cybot eg race car i will list them when i find out what they are